BII Is Proud To Announce That The City of Ben Lake is Finished!

“After 4 months, Ben Imagination has completely modernized our village into a small city with industry, fire, police, and health care, different businesses, a connection between our city and his city, and more! I don’t think I could have done it if I had thought of it myself.”

Mr. Mayor of Ben Lake

The project was started by Ben Imagination Incorporated (BII) on May 26. Now, almost exactly 4 months later, you cannot tell that there was an NPC village where this city of around 25,000 people stands. (There isn’t that many people in the city. The city is built for probably 50 people. The closest I have to people are the NPCs of the original village, plus some new villagers because of doors) Below are some final screenshots of the city:

A brief history of Ben Lake

DISCLAIMER: The first sentence is fiction, I just made up that tidbit of history for the sake of this blog post. You’re welcome.

40 years ago, Mr. Mayor founded the village (He was in his early 20s back then) and named it Lake of Blocks. Almost a year ago, I went into Ben World for the first time. At first, I thought Ben Lake (The actual lake) was an ocean. After some exploration, not only did I find out that it was a lake, but there was a village. I told myself that I was to modernize the village.

A day or two before I extended B27 into the local area, I went to see Mr. Mayor and told him that BII was going to modernize his village into a city. He approved and so I started modernizing the village.

On May 26, I released a blog post telling about my plans. During the 4 months of modernization, I added everything that the city would need that I could think of. Now, on Wednesday, September 30, The city is complete, therefore making it the first city in Ben World to be completed!

That’s it for now. It’s back to the big city! (Possibly after a few more things in TESTIFICATE Co.) I’m Ben Imagination, I’m outa’ here. PEACE!

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